What are you doing to positively manage the stress in your life?

Stress..? What stress?

Ok, so we all know about stress, it’s a well-worn topic.  Stress came up in my recent masterclass as one of the key obstacles we face as Leaders.  Not only in terms of the impact it has on our wellbeing and performance but also on us reaching our full POTENTIAL as leaders.

Stress is the body’s reaction to feeling threatened or under pressure.  This reaction affects our mood, body and our relationships. It can make us feel anxious and irritable, lower our self-esteem and certainly has a negative impact on our success.

If we can’t manage the stress in our lives, then we are limiting ourselves in terms of our leadership goals.

In fact, work-related stress is THE most common cause of stress with 79% of workers saying that they frequently felt it (Statistica).

What is the impact of stress on UK employees?

The Workplace Health Report 2022 illustrates the impact of stress on UK employees in 2022 which we already know to be an extraordinarily difficult year.  The results revealed the following:

You can read the full Workplace Health Report here and see for yourself the impact stress has on our workforce:

Is your stress allowing you to thrive?

Sure, a certain amount of stress is considered acceptable in the workplace; perhaps you see it as motivating or even healthy.  However, when stress levels become unmanageable, stress becomes an issue which can, and will, damage both your performance and your health.

If we think we will find less stress if we change jobs, well… there is always hope..  But in truth, if we are in a senior role, the chances are that we will meet a whole heap of new stresses in our next role too.

In fact, did you know that 13.7 million working days are lost each year in the UK because of work-related stress, anxiety and depression?  This costs society £28.3 billion every year!  (NICE | The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence)

Mental Health First Aid

One of the most valuable concepts that I gained from my MHFA (Mental Health First Aid) training and something that I use for myself, my clients and their teams and even their children is this superb interactive Stress Container which can help you understand and address your stress levels:

Take some time to have a look at MHFA and all the brilliant things they do to at  https://bit.ly/3Wk4KSv

Our Top Stress Relieving Strategies

  1. Self-Awareness
    Check in on yourself daily (journalism is a great way to do this).  Checking in ensures you are bringing your true emotions and thoughts into the forefront of your mind rather than stifling them.  Awareness is everything
  2. Self-Care
    We’re not just talking bubble baths here (although we all know how relaxing these can be!).  Self care means anything that generates relaxation and enjoyment for you.  Something that gives you mental, physical and emotional rest.
  3. Open Up
    Talking is the best therapy!  Talk to a friend or a loved one about how you’re feeling.  Often speaking out about what is causing our stress can put it into perspective.  Ask yourself, are you still going to be worring about this in a year from now? 5 years from now? Even a month from now.  When we can get that stress down to the right “size”, it enables us to defeat it more effectively.

I invite you to consider:
❔ What are you doing to positively manage the stress in your life?
❔ What ELSE could you try?