Want to thrive in the workplace… find your TRIBE

Who are your cheerleaders?

Who lifts you when you fall? Who stands for you and beside you and champions you?

For the vast majority of my career, I worked for and alongside male leaders and I was fortunate enough to have some great ones.
However, for a large chunk of my career as a Finance Director, I was the ONLY woman in the #leadership team.
I convinced myself that to thrive in that world, I had to show strength and confidence. My vulnerability was tucked away and never displayed to my colleagues. At the time, I felt it would demonstrate my inability to cope and be successful in my role.

How wrong I was.

I was left feeling lonely, afraid, unfulfilled and with lower self esteem than ever.

I didn’t know what I was missing. Until I found it.

I was missing A FEMALE TRIBE.

Over the past 2 years, I have gradually accumulated some inspiring and strong female leaders in my life.

Women I work with, women I admire, women I join forces with.
Female CEO’s, coaches, entrepreneurs, directors, leaders, mothers, friends.

I share freely – the good, bad and ugly. The feeling of fulfilment, support and #community is abundant in my life. I am #inspired DAILY.

My message today is simple – Go find your people. The ones that lift you up and fill your heart.❤️