Are the company finances stressing you out?

Who Carries The Weight of Financial Responsibility?

As we start the New Year, we all of us have aspirations of getting on top of our personal financial responsibilities.  But what about your company’s financial responsibilities, what influence do you have over that?

🔦Do you know what it’s like to lie in bed worrying about whether you can pay the payroll this month? 
🔦Can you imagine how terrifying it is to lie awake, knowing that the company you work for is running out of cash and YOU are the one that has to find the solution? 

I’m speaking from experience.
I remember getting into bed during the Christmas holidays several years ago, with these fears and thoughts running through my head.
I remember being petrified that one day soon, it was all going to combust. 
That the people who are currently carefree and celebrating Christmas would find out the truth.
And people will be jobless.
And disgusted.
And angry.
And that somehow, I would be to blame for all of this.

I wish I could explain to you the fear this all creates.
Those of you who are reading this…

If you are a business owner, I know you get this!

If you are a finance director, I know you get this!

When I experienced this, I was a finance director.
I had all the company numbers in my head.
All the company secrets in my heart.
All the company problems on my shoulders.

No wonder I was stressed.
No wonder I wasn’t sleeping.
No wonder I was experiencing severe burnout.

Money, Money, Money..

My brain was active EVERY minute of every day trying to solve the biggest problem of all…
When you have it, it’s not a big deal.
But when you DON’T have it. 
It’s catastrophic.

Anyone out there that hasn’t experienced this. I’m so happy for you that you haven’t! But take a look over at your Finance Director. How are they doing? 

Can you imagine the weight on their shoulders? 
Can you imagine the sleepless nights and all those worries? 

What's The Solution?

Please do imagine it. Please know that they are doing their best. Please know, that they could probably use some support.

📞Give them my number.
📞Our mission is to support them through this. So they can thrive.